Hump Day Readings!
So, I ‘ve started a new feature I call “Hump Day Reading.” It’s pretty simple — every Wednesday, I read a short passage from one of my novels or short stories, along with a little commentary. The vids are short (under 9 mins) and give you both a tasteMost likely will help thought about this prices of viagra construct sexual capacity and erectile limit. This is why most people are opting to buy Kamagra online viagra samples through our online pharmacy. Apart from the primary function of fighting ED, fast delivery cialis is being researched for other medical properties. Standard drug manufacturers use the formula of marketing hits successes. cheap tadalafil pills of the book or story, and some background info on it.
Here’s the first one, in which I read the prologue to my first novel, Under a Raging Moon. (If you like it, please subscribe and like!)
Source: All The Madness In My Soul