Open & Shut w/ Richie Narvaez!
I got a chance to interview Richie Narvaez about his new release, Hipster Death Rattle.
Richie was not only interesting to talk to, but hilarious, too. I ended up with over thirty minutes of raw interview recording for a show that is supposed to run around eight to twelve minutes,Athletes work every day and train to the buy viagra 100mg maximum and taking in their diets a new level. The cost of viagra pill increased flow of blood provides direct source of fresh energy to various organs and let them do their function properly. The muscles recover steadily after receiving appropriate nutritional properties. viagra cheapest online They promote in manufacturing digestive enzymes and alkalinity of the pancreatic juice and bile. buy canada cialis including intro and outro. But I just had a great time talking with him, and he had me cracking up a ton. I was sorry some of it had to end up on the cutting room floor, but you’ll still definitely get a sense of how funny he is from this interview.
Check it out!
Source: All The Madness In My Soul