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Write a review of this novel and win a FREE PREVIEW of the sequel, QUEEN OF DIAMONDS.

Wanna win a free sneak preview of the next Zafiro/Wilsky novel, Queen of Diamonds?

Okay, here’s the deal. All you have to do is read and review the first Zafiro/Wilsky novel, Blood on Blood, on Amazon or whatever platform you prefer. Email me at or hit me up on Facebook or Twitter to let me know you wrote the review. The first five (5) people who do that will get a free preview of Queen of Diamonds emailed to them.Now, what if you’ve already done a review of Blood on Blood, but still want to play? That’s cool, too. Write a new review for any of my books that you’ve read, and I’ll give you the free preview during this promotion, too. It won’t count toward the five Blood on Blood reviews.

This promotion will continue through the end of February or until the first five lucky winners check in, whichever comes first!

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Queen of Diamonds is the second crime novel by Jim Wilsky and I. It is also the second in a trilogy of crime novels featuring recurring characters. The release date is pending, but we’ll announce soon!



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