August 15th Giveaway Question – Dearly Departed?
First up, yesterday’s winner (drawn at random from all participants) was DUANE SIVANISH. He thought Larry Linville should play the weaselly Lt. Alan Hart in a movie. Duane wins a free audio book version of No Good Deed.
Today’s question – of the River City characters who have died throughout the series, who do you miss the most, and why?
How’s this work? All month long, I’m giving away prizes. To be considered each day, all you have to do is take part in the discussion of the day. You can post your reply on my blog, on Facebook, or Twitter. All of the people who join in the discussion will be eligible for the daily prize, which will be chosen at random. The prize will be a surprise, though I’ll ruin it for you a little — it will be a Frank Zafiro title in some format (paperback or audio).
So let’s hear what you think: of the River City characters who have died throughout the series, who do you miss the most, and why?
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