Another Short Story Sold!

My short story “What Comes Around” has been sold to Crime and Suspense magazine.  It will appear in their November issue.

“What Comes Around” explores karma a little bit and how you never quite know what part of your life might be the axis upon which your destiny turns.

Crime and Suspense is an old standby when it comes to online mystery magazines.  I have had a couple of stories there,The threats may exist in reality viagra on line or may simply be imagined. Nevertheless, what we cialis generika do know about supplement D, sex-related intercourse, ejaculation and virility is exciting. Kamagra UK is a leading and renowned pharmacy, which provides world class solution to the problem of the reproductive generic cialis for sale system. They are on the clock and must see a set number of patients an viagra no prescription fast hour. back in early 2006.  The original editor also ran Wolfmont publishing, which published my first novel.  The eZine is getting a makeover and has a new owner/editor.  It has become a paying market, as well as a place for book reviews and information on doings in the mystery field.  If you like mysteries of all types, set your browser to

Check it out in November, and after!

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