Author: Frank

Sometimes a Fantasy…

Sometimes a Fantasy…

Remember the catchy Billy Joel song? No? That’s okay. I grew up reading fantasy and science fiction. However, when I started writing fiction with a serious intent to publish (around 2004), crime fiction is...

The Tale of 2024…

 The year 2024 in publishing… Also of note, Hope Dies Last (Stefan Kopriva #4) won the PSWA Gold Medallion for best mystery and best cover (design by Eric Beetner). This title was also an honorable...

Code 4 Press Bookstore Grows!

 You can now buy your ebooks, PAPERBACKS, and AUDIOBOOKS directly from me via the Code 4 Press Store! I am currently in the process of adding both paperbacks and audiobooks to the Code 4 Press...

2024 So Far…

Let’s talk about my 2024 so far… well, it’s been busy, though the releases that result in that work will mostly happen in the latter part of the year and in 2025. A few...

Code 4 Press Store!

You can now buy your ebooks directly from me via the Code 4 Press Store! Why is this better than buying from a retailer, you might ask. Well… there are several reasons! You save...

'Twas a Bonny Year

 How did 2023 treat you? For me, it was productive year: Final tally is five novels, one novella, one short story collection, and one coloring book (believe it or not, that last one was...

A Truly Despicable Attempt at Bullying

 Censorship sucks. Bullying sucks. I will have neither. On 10/30, my Wrong Place, Write Crime (Ep #179) interview of Alec Cizak dropped. Later that day, I received an email that was, I’m sure, meant...

Lessons Katie MacLeod Taught Me

Lessons Katie MacLeod Taught Me

Katie MacLeod is arguably the core character in my River City series of police procedurals. And though I may have technically created her, the truth is that she’s taught me a thing or two....

Celebrating A Grifter's Song

Let me tell you a story. For years, I toyed with the idea of a series of short stories featuring a couple of grifters who were devoted to each other and to the con…...