Author: Frank

I'm Finally Doing It!

A primary care practitioner with the appropriate knowledge and skill to assess your complaint is termed as an osteopath. loved this viagra generika Only the men viagra online pharmacies face this particular issue...

First Line – In the Cut

Stressful life and junk food has buy cheap cialis incorporated a lot in making present generation deprive of sensual feeling. The condition could affect the man’s self-esteem will be hurt, and then tired of...

SpoCompton Series Launches at Down & Out!

Down and Out Books announced today that they are launching my new series called The SpoCompton Series.This is a series of inter-related novels with overlapping characters, all set in Spokane. I’m sure you have...

More Grifter's Song!

Set in Hollywood, CA  I realized today that I was remiss in not mentioning that Gary Phillips’s episode of A Grifter’s Song (#4 – The Movie Makers) was released on 4/1/2019. The Movie Makers...

7 Criminal Minds Intro

7 Criminal Minds Intro

If you read my books and this blog, you probably know me pretty well. But if you want to read an introduction to Frank Zafiro, it’s up now over at 7 Criminal Minds. As...

I joined the 7 Criminal Minds Blog Team!

The subject line says it all…. in addition to this personal blog of my writing journey, I will also be appearing bi-weekly on the popular writing blog 7 Criminal Minds. This blog features Susan...

Joseph D'Agnese Fires Back!

Joseph D'Agnese Fires Back!

Okay, the title is a little clickbait-ish, I’ll confess. But not entirely. Last year, I interviewed Eryk Pruitt on Wrong Place, Write Crime. At one point, Eryk talked about being nominated for a Derringer Award...

Open & Shut /w Colin Conway (ep #35 of WPWC)!

Key ingredients in Night Fire capsule are Dalchini, Samuder generic viagra from india Shosh, Long, Salabmisri, Akarkra, Gold Patra, Khakhastil, Kesar, Jaypatri, Sarpagandha and Jaiphal. Kava- The herb has greatly worked to improve mental...

Some Degree of Murder re-release!

This medicine is prepared with a significant ingredient, sildenafil citrate. on line cialis Doctors look sale of sildenafil tablets at the basic cause and consult accordingly. Quite frankly no one wants to...