First Line — The Short List

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This is the first line of my second Bricks & Cam Job novel with Eric Beetner. Pretty good, huh? I’d say at least a B+, maybe an A.

Only one problem.

I didn’t write it. Eric did.

It’s still a great opener.

If you’re interested, my first line of the book is in the second chapter, which is the first Bricks chapter.

A honey trap. That is the last con I ever imagined I’d play a part in.

Okay, technically that’s two lines. But the first line is a little weak on context, so it belongs with it’s following line to really make sense.

It’s a pretty good first line, too. Not as good as the Beetner opener, I don’t think, but solid. 

I give it a B.



This was the second Bricks & Cam Job novel I wrote with Eric. It was as fun as the first, and just as full of dark humor and action. I’m not great at sustained humor, but Eric held up more than his end on that count, so you could legitmately read this entire book with either a smirk or a grimace all the way through.
Source: All The Madness In My Soul

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