Guest Post – Bonnie Paulson!
Every once in a while, I like to have a friend over. Today is one of those days.
Bonnie is an infectious personality with style, and she writes more than one genre, which takes talent. I think you’ll see what I mean as you read her guest post…take it away, Bonnie!
Bonnie Paulson
I have a confession. It’s pretty dark and sinister, too. Well, only kind of.
I’m having an affair!
I’ll explain. I’m a romance writer who also writers thrillers and apparently YA urban fantasy/horror. I know, I know. I should only write romance, but I can’t stop myself. Every time I sit to write a romance novel, something exciting stirs my interest and I’m off writing something, well, not romance-y.
My first thriller, Into the End(, came about because I was talking to my brother, who is EOD in the Air Force. He had mentioned something about Fairchild being the only fueling station between us and the Asian continent, if you take out Seattle.
Who would take out Seattle and why? Japan couldn’t even make it past Hawaii. And that got my mind rolling. I wouldn’t think anyone has the guts to go against the Red, White, and Blue, except Mother Nature. In Into the End, that’s exactly who demolishes the Emerald City.
The research I was able to do for the series was right up my alley. You see, while I was researching for my first affair with thrillers, I was secretly feeding the love-of-my-life relationship with veterans and service people all over this Nation. I have this need to say thank you to cops, firefighters, military members, veterans, and volunteers. I’m the one that runs after the Vet’s car to say thank you because I saw the sticker on the bumper.
Yeah, I’m the crazy Service Stalker.
So, what do all these confessions have to do with Frank? And being on Frank’s site? Did you know Frank is a police officer? He is. I had the opportunity to meet Frank at a writer’s gig and was so impressed with his friendliness and frank openness with me I just had to start “reading” him.
Have you read him? My first Zafiro work was The Last Horseman ( He told me about the proceeds donation situation and he had me at “vet”. I read it and five-starred it. Gritty and delicious don’t usually go together for me, but this novel had it all and packed the suspenseful punch I needed to get my own “thriller” groove back.
If you haven’t read it, I suggest you do. Spectacular writing.
But something I haven’t taken the opportunity to tell Frank… and this is my major confession and what I would like to correct right now… is thank you. Thank you, Frank, and to all of your fellow workers for protecting our streets. Thank you for having me on here. I have such respect for your writing and your job, it is an honor.
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And thank you to all the service people this may reach. I come from a long line of military and with my brother deploying next spring to Afghanistan, this topic really strikes home for me. Thank you.
Born and raised in the Inland Northwest, Bonnie has a degree in Radiology Technology – yes, you can bring broken bones her way – as well as multiple years experience in the medical transcription field. Five children and a yummy husband chase through the hills with her on dirt bikes in pursuit of the perfect trail. Dirt and mud are no deterrence. In fact, Bonnie prefers the rain.
She’s discovering she likes writing dark and twisty and can’t help but wonder why.
The characters in her stories beg to be let out and it’s all she can do to keep up. You’ll find different storylines where the hero and heroine tell their own story. Bonnie is just as surprised as you by what happens. She’s cried writing a scene or two.
Sometimes, she thinks she is Joan Wilder.
Come find her online:
twitter: @bonnierpaulson
So, fellow mystery readers, you can see what I meant. Bonnie is a down to earth, cool person who writes some powerful stuff. Give her a try!