Open & Shut /w Colin Conway (ep #35 of WPWC)!
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I wrote about this re-issue and the journey of the book itself in a recent blog post, if you’re looking for the history of our collaboration and the long road this book took to get to its best, right home at D&O.
Some Degree of Murder is the first collaboration I ever did (Colin’s first, as well), and it worked out so well that I went on to collaborate with four other authors to the tune of ten books. That’s not to mention the second book Colin and I have written, Charlie-316 (coming in June 2019 from Down and Out Books). I’ll be reading an excerpt at the LCC Noir at the Bar in a little over a week.
This new one is something we’re pretty excited about, and is the first of a four-book arc. Book two (Dark Intent) is finished and with the publisher, and book three (Badge Heavy) is in progress as I write this.
So, it is safe to say this has been a good partnership!
Colin talks about some of these same elements in his interview but has his own unique take. It is well worth the dozen minutes!
Source: All The Madness In My Soul