River City Audio Books at Books in Motion!
I am pleased to announce that all four novels in my River City series are now currently available at Books in Motion!
Books in Motion has now released: Under a Raging Moon (#1), Heroes Often Fail (#2), Beneath a Weeping Sky (#3), and And Every Man Has to Die (#4) at their studios right here in Spokane. I think the tie-in is pretty cool — local author, local setting, local print publisher, local audio book publisher…talk about a local flavor, huh?

The books are narrated by Michael Bowen, who does a spectacular job. He has his own distinct style, but if I were to compare him to anyone, he reminds me a little bit of the actor Peter Coyote at times. Michael captures Katie MacLeod and especially Thomas Chisolm, very well. Other secondary characters have a voice that really fits their role — the bombastic Lt. Crawford, the weaselly Lt. Hart, the goofy Anthony Battaglia, among others. He does excellent accents, too.
Something that was interesting to me as the writer is the way he interpreted some characters very differently than I heard them in my own head. One example is the crime analyst, Renee. Bowen plays her with a French accent, something I never imagined. However, in the world of River City, which has a high character count, this sets the character apart and makes her much more easily recognizable. So it works, and on an artistic level, it is always interesting to see how someone else interprets your work.

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Bowen sets a tone early on in this series with his slightly “matter of fact” style of delivery, perfect for a procedural, but he injects all the right levels of emotion as he goes. To say that I’m very pleased with this production of the River City novels is an understatement. It makes me what to finish writing the next one so I can hear the audio version!
Paperback and ebook versions (all formats) of these novels are also available!