The Freebies Start Today!
Happy Birthday to me…Free books for you!
Starting today, my collection of all four River City novels, is FREE on Kindle. This will continue through August 5th.
Trouble in River City (click on the title or the cover to get to the free Kindle version) contains four complete novels that currently make up the River City series: Under a Raging Moon, Heroes Often Fail, Beneath a Weeping Sky, and And Every Man Has to Die.
This series follows the same ensemble cast of police officers and detectives as they face the challenges of the criminal world, the police world and their own personal world. Throughout these four novels, you’ll meet:
* Stefan Kopriva, the brash young hotshot.
* Katie MacLeod, who struggles with being a good cop in a male-dominated profession.
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* Thomas Chisolm, the veteran who everyone relies on and who sometimes takes that role too seriously.
* Anthony Battaglia and Connor O’Sullivan, the “twins” who hurl Irish vs. Italian jibes at each other like brothers…and who truly are brothers when the bullets fly.
and a host of others, each with their own piece of the puzzle to each of these novels.
Read over 350,000 words of suspense, mystery, action, procedure and heart in this single volume of all four novels in the River City crime series!
Get in within the next five days, for FREE. And if you dig it, tell your family and friends. Hell, tell complete strangers. It’s okay. They won’t think it’s strange. Tell them it’s my birthday.
More to come. Like I said, Happy Birthday [month] to me…free books for YOU.